Let's face it.John Mccririck, you either love him or hate him.I'm starting to think that the people that say they hate John Mccririck actually like the guy.Now I'm not a big racing fan but I do know that channel four racing would be boring without the big man.He's not afraid to voice his opinions.He says what he thinks(wouldn't it be great if we were all like that),he makes funny comments which are sometimes sexist(female!,booby! but deep down he loves his wife.he says this stuff for a reaction and because he doesn't give a damn what people think),he tells the yobs to piss off(well there's no harm in that and believe it or not he can have a laugh with some of the lads if he's not being hassled all the time),his facial expressions and mannerisms are really amusing(good old tic tac style),his dress sense is different(that's what's great about him.we need someone that's eccentric,someone that's different,someone unusual,someone that stands out from the crowd.After all it would be boring if we were all the same),his sideburns are great,he's a better man than any of the yobs,he jokes around a lot,when he wants to he can make a fool out of the odd yob that annoys him(although they do piss him off a lot),he does have a sense of humour,he makes derogatory remarks(that he may not mean.he's probably just kidding and trying to get a reaction from people but the comments are funny),he's God,he's a legend,channel four wouldn't be the same without him,what a personality!According to wikipedia In March 2008, "Channel Four renewed McCririck’s contract though lessened his appearances by 50%".Just wondering does that mean that he'll be on "at the races" a lot as well?"Channel 4" need him on the horse racing all the time.It wouldn't be the same without him,John brings life to the horse racing on channel 4.Now,I've never really followed horse racing at all but I do remember seeing family members watch it and I have great memories of John Mccririck.What a great man,what a legend,what an entertainer,what a stylish guy,what a joker,what a personality.Ah the one and only John Mccririck.I wish I could meet him.I'd love to have my photograph takin with him.Oh and It would be great if he would sign his autograph on a race card.Mr Mccririck is unique and legendary,God Bless John Mccririck!Can you guys answer another question.Now apart from your thoughts on the big man himself,do you think that a book will be available in the near future which would give the reader a better insight in to the life on John Mccririck.I'd buy the book,in fact I'd pre-order it!Oh one more thing I'd love to get the old channel four racing theme not the new music.I tried youtube but they only have the new music which appears on channel four racing.Please,somebody upload that classic, catchy,infectious tune.I wish channel would bring it back.Oh the drama that John has provided channel four and it's viewers with!Great guy!It would also be great if there was a humorous dvd released about the guy.I'd buy a thousand copies. :) oh one more thing for some reason a question mark hangs over "one of my heroes" .Well he really is and I know it.It's a fact.It's just that there's a damn fault on yahoo or the net or something and the question mark keeps popping up.